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Friday, April 10, 2009

@RTIMOS Part 1

I remember exactly a year ago in spring taking a class "Leadership Principles" from Dr.Hannonen. I signed up for the class because I gave up on my "Music" major. I wanted to take IDS Major instead so I can learn to do business while doing something that I love... pretty much anything involved with music. This class became the start of something I have dreamed of doing. One of the requirements for the class was to organize a personal project that had to do with Leadership Principles. Students had freedom to explore and do anything they wanted to do to show, share, or apply the things we learned in the class for their personal projects; Not knowing it was just a beginning of an exciting and rewarding journey.

I had a dream that I wanted to have my own "recital". I thought it was a good opportunity to do something that Ihad been wanting to do. I planned the recital to teach the principles of leadership through music. I named my recital "@RTIMOS- Leadership Through Music", just because I did not want my recital to sound chessy - Art Musical Recital. "No way", I told my self assigning the new name to it. I actually got this name from my friends in Thailand who called me "Artimos" because my name's Art. They were missionaries in Thailand. Why "@"? No real answer. I used it because I wanted to think outside the box. And I thought it would give people something to think about.

I was excited, nervous, and thrilled to have my own recital. I invited my friends to join me. I had already had a few songs composed for my music theory class, and was very excited to perform them. I also took vocal lessons from Professor Belnap, and it was a perfect opportunity to showcase things that I learned from him. This recital was goingt o be amazing. I was wrong.

I started applying leadership principles as I prepared for @RTIMOS recital. I booked auditorium, but my project was not recognized by the school of business, and they would not sponsor my event. I learned a lot from this experience. I remember receiving so many emails that I felt overwhelmed. I was shocked when I realize the cost to use the facility for my recital could go up as high as $300. I did not feel hopeless. I was very stressed. But it was a good opportunity to become a leader to myself. Just as I was ready to load money for my recital, I received an email from the director of Auditorium, Steve Crowell, sent to everyone involved in the communications that he would absorb all cost as a gift to me. I couldn't even cry. I felt humbled and grateful for his kindness. I would have my own recital in a couple of days now.

The recital was changed to "Concert" because of the use of lights, multimedia, music, and dance. I invited friends to come. The @RTIMOS - Leadership Through Music was what I had been waiting to do. I was there, and it would not be possible without my friends who helped me tremendously. I come to learn that I couldn't do this alone. I learned to understand the power of music. My friends came to support me. There were probably a little over 40 people came, but that was a lot to me. I went home with an incredible feelings in my heart and soul. I wanted to do again! So, in the fall, I signed up for the "International Organizational Behavior" from Dr.Hannonnen again.

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