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Thursday, September 14, 2006

US Visa Interview

Next week I am having a visa interview at the US Embassy. It's pretty much the only thing left before I could go to study in Hawaii. I had to pay $200 just to get the interview. I feel like being ripped off. I will be recovered soon. I still remember my first time for my Missionary Visa Interview. I was very scared and nervious and everything. I went to the embassy and I got turned down. So I went there for the second time and I got it just that easy. You never know the mood of the person who interviews you. If I don't pass the interview I would have to pay another $100 to the embassy. Gosh!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Art,
I will pray for you that you will obtain your visa with just one interview.

Good luck..I want you to be able to study at BYU Hawaii.

Sister Carol Hoyt

3:04 AM GMT+7  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

You will make it Art.

4:35 PM GMT+7  

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