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Monday, April 17, 2006

Songkran, Water Festival & Easter

Yes, I got sun burnt. If you really notice it you will see that my skin is actually red in the picture. I got that on Songkran or the water festival. Songkran used to be Thai New Year. We throw and splash water to people that we see. I took missionaries to Soi Raewadii one of the busy streets to celebrate the event. It was so fun but I got a really bad burnt. Songkran last for three days but I only went out for a day because after that super fun day I got so burnt that I had to stay home for the rest of the days. The funny thing is when I was walking with the missionaries, the people would just throw the water on them but not me because they (the missionaries) were farangs.

My easter was good. We had a special sacrament service. I performed a musical number. I was very excited but it went really well. I guess another cool thing that happened is that my naighbor (spelling?) got baptized and she was a referral from me. I realize that each person has his/her own time. I have known this person for over thirteen years but she just got baptized. After I got off my mission I met her and I just invited her to the english class. She accepted my invitation and seven months later she got baptized. :) I am so very happy.

I hope that you all had a good easter and songkran. Don't forget to leave a comment. Thank you!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Please tell Elder Sadler that we will all write him lots next week. Fiddler on the Roof starts tonight. Elizabeth is going to be great and I have been the cast seamstress. Thanks for being such a great friend and support to all of the missionaries there.
Sister Sadler and family

10:11 PM GMT+7  
Blogger Art said...

Hello Cindy,
I have already told Elder Sadler that. Congratulation on your son being a zl and the group leader!

10:21 PM GMT+7  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey Art! What a fun site!
I'm missing Thailand so much! Canada is freezing cold. How's the branch doing?
I already played the piano for a musical number my 2nd sunday home. I also did 2 firesides besides my homecoming talk. But in a few weeks no one will be interested in my mission at all. Say hello to SYS for me and all the members!
Sister Brenna Melchin

5:42 AM GMT+7  

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